Monday, January 4, 2010

Find Out What Type of Twitterer You Are.

What type of social twitterer are you? A name dropper? A crowd pleaser? A lone wolf? It all depends on whether you use alot of hashtags, or uses the names of friends a lot, or prefer to keep more on the downlow and a several other things. There is a fun site by yahoo that analyzes your tweets and tells you of your social twitter personality. Today at the time of writing this post my mojo is a name bearer. It means that I tweet like a champ and keep the conversation rolling by calling out my fellow twitter friends by name. I used a lot of @replies which makes me a pro at getting the @mojo down to a science. Of course my mojo changes from time to time and so will yours. After you have finished Getting your mojo you can tweet it. There is a button that is provided on the site that allows you to tweet your mojo status..The site may not be as accurate but it does provide entertainment value.

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